
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Adventures in Juicing: Juice Fast - Day 2 of 5

Here we are at day 2 of my juice fast.

I'm still not getting that "I'm hungry" feeling.  I'm doing ok.
I'm not hungry.... but I want to chew on something.  :/

The WORST was making Y's dinner today.
I sauteed some kale, swiss chard, tomatoes, and baked tofu and added in pasta and cheese with some garlic.

OMG, it smelled SO GOOD.

I had a total of 4 glasses of juice today.

We made a delicious "just-fruits" juice for our afternoon snack.


- Strawberries
- Oranges
- Nectarines
- Pineapple spears
- Apples


It was such a welcome difference from all the other veggie/fruit juices.

Overall, I'm feeling okay.
A bit more lethargic today.  I read that people go through this phase as the body is getting rid of toxins. The "I'm-so-full-of-energy" feeling is supposed to come soon.  I sure hope so.
I also felt a little faint when I stood up sometimes.

Time for my dessert!! Dessert = sparkling water.  Yum.  hahaha. :P

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